Reason you might need to do another Big chop

 Hello Naturalistas,

How are you all doing? For the Nigerians, Hope you had a lovely weekend? ;) You see different Naturalistas with long hair and then BAM! out of the blue another BC.

Today, we will take a look at reasons why you might want to join them. Lol

Length before and after another BC
I've been growing out my natural hair since 2012 and I have done the BC 2 times in that period. For different reasons. I will highlight some of them.

Unhealthy Hair; Although there are ways to manage unhealthy hair. You can trim it from time-to-time, show the hair some tender loving care but if you are impatient like me, you either want healthy hair or not, no in-betweens. For a long while, my hair was in-between and I did not like it at all. The damage done can be from heat, colour, no regular care etc If your hair is damaged beyond "Let's manage it" You, like me, would be better off with a BC! 

It is easier; Ah! I can't tell you just how easier it has become for me, most especially wash days!! Woosh!!! It's literally cutting the time in more than half and the fact that I don't have to over think on the days I just want to wet my hair in the shower. It also cuts the "What hairstyle do I do?" part because you have very limited options and you just have to stick with one. If you want the easier option, you might want to consider another BC. 

Boredom; The process of another BC brings in a new excitement about your hair, you now have something to look forward to, new adventures, watching your hair grow again, doing the length checks and generally the adventure that comes with it. 

Now, over to you. Would you consider doing another BC? Why? If you've done another BC (please don't say i'm the only one), what were your reasons?


  1. blessings.....
    I haven't done the big chop in years. last time was 1999. my hair is mid back. Its due for a trim now. I don't over comb my hair like when i was in my youth. comb & wash/condition it once a week (most because i wear head wraps & I have it in single plaits underneath. If i get really lazy then i was it once every two weeks with condition rinses and moisturing in between

  2. although my BC was once i dont think i have the mental capacity lol. its cool and encouraging to those thinking about it

  3. I don't want to do another BC....I don't even want to consider least not now and there is no reason for me to do it.

  4. In three days, my TWA will be one month old. Why did I cut my hair? I was bored and had been cooking up the idea for over three years.

  5. I really don't want short hair. No big chop for me

  6. They berra take care of the hair so you have that choice.

  7. You forgot to add at twa stage, you can play with colors without fear simply Cuz if it doesn't go well, snip it off once again.

    I can't bear the thought of my long hair becoming damaged due to hair dye.

    Although I cut my hair Cuz I was bored and might probably leave it short Cuz of coloring...

    1. Yeah. There is that too. I have never tried colouring sha.

  8. Yesso.... that's the action we have to take....better care.

  9. Yes I would consider it, but not anytime soon though. Tomi, we all know you are scissors happy though.


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