How I Maintain My Marley Twists.

Hello everyone!

A few weeks ago, I installed some marley twists - my first protective style for the year. The idea was to install it through crochet braiding and rock for 6 weeks. Problem was, crochet braiding required more extensions which means more full heavy hair - which I'm not a fan of - and I wasn't having any of that especially with the unbearable heat. Eventually, instead of kinky twists which are almost tiny in nature, I settled for medium sized marley twists with crochet braiding at the back and single twists at the perimeter. At the end, it turned out well and I decided that I might go on a 3 months protective style challenge. That means I'll only take it down every 4/6 weeks for wash and deep condition and install again. Fortunately, it doesn't take any time at all to re-install.

- As usual, I did a henna/hibiscus treatment and followed up with ghee as my moisturizing deep conditioner.
- After which, I moisturized using the LOC method with African Naturalistas Leave-in, Sunflower Seed Oil and Whipped Cocoa Butter.

- When I was done, I put my hair in cornrows until I was ready for the installation which was in three days.

- Two days before, I had pre-twisted my two packs of marley hair down so it was left for me to just install.
- I loosed my cornrows and tried a different braid pattern especially since I wanted some single twists at the perimeter.
- The whole crochet braiding took about 30 minutes and the braiding another 45-50 minutes. That's less than two hours and I thought, this is actually awesome. I can work with this.

- I spray my hair with my hair spritz which contains water, glycerine, extra virgin olive oil and tea tree oil every two or three days.
- The beauty of crochet braiding is that it's super easy to wash. You only need to lift the extensions and focus on its tracks plus the marley extensions are very light so they dry very fast. So once a week, I co-wash, air dry, moisturize and seal just like I would with my hair.
- At night, I sleep in a satin scarf or bonnet.

Have you tried marley twists? How do you maintain them?

Love, kinks and knots


  1. I haven't tried Marley Twists yet ! I really want to do it ! It fits you very well btw :) X

    Follow me on GFC, I always follow back !
    â–¬ WWW.HEKYMA.COM â–¬

  2. Okay I sooo wanna try this!

  3. I have marley twists in now and i don't like them much. I wanted big twists, but mine are small and not full, and I love a full head of hair.

    Oh well, it's not the end of the world.


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