Mane Matters with 'Denike Adegboye

AN: Can you tell us who you are and what you do?

'Denike: My name's 'Denike Adegboye and i'm a designer/stylist
Relaxed Hair

AN: Have you heard about african naturalistas?

'Denike: Yes I have, on twitter

AN: How long have you had your natural hair?

'Denike: 10 months

AN: Why did you decide to go natural?

'Denike: Needed a fresh start, my straight hair was breaking and weak

AN: Did you do a BC or you transitioned?

'Denike: Big chop

AN: What was your BC experience like?

'Denike: I loved it, loved the freedom. 

AN: What was/is your biggest fear about going Natural?

'Denike: I can say it was the fact that I have very thick kinky hair. Was wondering how I would maintain it.

AN: What's your must have product and accessory?

'Denike:Shea butter, spray bottle, olive oil, leave-in conditioner, satin bonnet

AN: What would you say about your hair journey over-all?

'Denike: Its been wonderful. Makes me stand out, which is something I love to do.

AN: What's you advice to anyone planning to ditch relaxers?

'Denike: Discover what works for you and stick with it, your hair will not look like your role model's unless you have exactly the same hair type as them. what works for them might not work for you...

AN: Thank you for your time.

You're welcome.

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