Hair Trimming Techniques For Hair Growth

The technique of trimming hair

We talk about retaining length, but do you know that one of the best ways is by trimming the ends of your hair regularly? This might seem counterintuitive but trust me when I say it is not.

The fear of losing length might be why a lot of naturalistas shy away from regularly trimming or trimming when necessary. However, what they might not know is this is in fact one of the many ways that would help them retain even more length.

NB: This trimming technique is for the maintenance of healthy hair and not for styling purposes.

Aside from protective hairstyles, moisturizing your hair, not ignoring the ends, using the right products, and reduced manipulation, trimming the hair must not be pushed aside and there is a technique to it.

Now let me tell you how this works, when you trim your hair ends, here is what happens;

  • Strand knots are reduced to the barest minimum
  • Tangling is reduced
  • Easy manageability is achieved
  • Length is retained
  • Protective styles last longer
  • Split ends are gotten rid of

I could really go on and on about the benefits of trimming your hair, but I hope you've been sold.

That being said, let us get into the easy and simple technique of how to trim your hair for the best, long-lasting results.

Do I need to stretch, flat-iron, or blow-dry my hair before trimming?

How to stretch your hair before trimming

This is a question many naturalistas often ask. Nevertheless, it is totally up to you if you decide to do any of the above before you begin the trim. If you are averse to the application of heat to your hair, there are other methods of "cold-stretching" your hair before the process begins. 

How to section your hair before trimming

The Technique

  • You can use satin bands, threading, and twisting as well as other methods to temporarily stretch out your hair. But one thing is sure, your hair must be stretched out in order to get a good trim.

Once you have sectioned your hair, the next step is to stretch it out as mentioned above. Depending on the stretch-out method being used, you will now take each section and trim about 1/2 an inch to 1 inch off with scissors.

There are some special trimming scissors available, however, a nice, neat, and sharp scissors would do just fine.

  • Hold the scissors diagonally to the end of the hair and give it a clean trim. Do this for each section of the hair. The reason is to achieve a more natural-looking tip.
  • If your hair is flat ironed, you would need to comb the entire hair towards the back and trim the ends evenly depending on the length of the damaged ends you observe. If you are just doing routine trimming, you can simply trim out 1/2 to 1 inch of the ends.
  • Thereafter, lift each section again and trim diagonally as with the sectioned band method.

You can decide to trim your hair on your own or allow an expert hairstylist to get it done for you.

Getting the trim done by a hairstylist means you won't miss any parts, hopefully. However, you can still achieve a good and neat trim by yourself if you follow the technique for stretching, sectioning, and trimming above.

When last did you get a trim, do you have regular trims, and do you do your trimming by yourself? Let me know in the comments below.

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