Deep Conditioning Your Natural Hair: Does It Really Matter?

As a practicing Naturalista, deep conditioning isn’t a new term for you. In fact, the first thing you learn on your way to becoming a Naturalista is the need to deep condition. The coven of natural hair queens starts chanting it to you every minute so you don’t forget! The natural hair movement is so strong that even relaxed hair sisters are bookmarking some of our methods, including deep conditioning. This is all because of how important deep conditioning is to your natural (and relaxed) hair. 

So, What is Deep Conditioning?

Deep conditioning is one crucial step in your natural hair regimen that helps restore and maintain moisture in your hair. It is also essential for helping your hair to prepare for any manipulation that would come after deep conditioning. 

We know what deep conditioning is, but why should we do it? Does it really matter? Yes, it does. Here are some reasons why you should deep condition your natural hair:

  • Deep Conditioning Prevents Damage to Your Natural Hair
    Deep conditioning your natural hair helps prevent damage to your hair strands and follicles. It helps reduce breakage and split ends that happen as a result of dry and brittle hair. In addition, it improves the overall good health of your hair such that even if you don’t think your hair is damaged, deep conditioning regularly will help your hair maintain its good health. Read more about split ends and how to manage them here.

  • Deep Conditioning Encourages Elasticity
    No one wants to use “breakage” to form or brag. Breakage is caused by dry and brittle hair, and when the hair is dry, there is a lot of tension that can result in your natural hair snapping. Nourishing, strengthening, and moisturizing your natural hair is the main function of a deep conditioning treatment. This will improve the elasticity of your hair and prevent breaking. 

  • Deep Conditioning Restores the Natural Shine of Your Hair
    Who doesn’t like shiny hair? Not fake shine from products that will do your hair more harm than good, but the shine that comes from a naturally healthy hair. Deep conditioning penetrates your natural hair shaft and helps restore its shine. When your hair accumulates build-up from hair products and natural weather occurrences, it makes your hair shaft rough and dull. Deep conditioning smoothens your natural hair shaft and restores its shine. 

  • Deep Conditioning Adds and Maintains Moisture
    Your natural hair needs as much moisture as the rest of your body. Your hair cannot be healthy without moisture as this leads to dry and brittle hair and dull hair shafts. Deep conditioning helps maintain the right proportions of moisture in your natural hair to keep it from getting dry and brittle.

  • Deep Conditioning Lessens the Damage From Hair Manipulation
    Styling, braiding, coloring, pulling, combing, heat, etc can all have adverse effects on your delicate natural hair. A deep conditioning treatment helps mitigate the effects of these activities and keeps the hair healthy. 

  • Deep Conditioning Restores Your Natural Hairs PH Balance
    Many natural hair queens are not entirely aware that the hair has its own PH and if that PH balance is tipped in any direction, it can have damaging consequences. A deep conditioning treatment helps balance your hair’s PH level and shine. An upset to your hair’s PH balance may be as a result of using a clarifying shampoo. Clarifying shampoos strip your hair of its moisture and natural oils, but you can use the African Naturalistas Moisturizing Natural Shampoo that has been carefully formulated to keep your hair’s PH level balanced and contains no harmful chemicals. 

Types of Deep Conditioners

There are two main categories of deep conditioners: moisturizing deep conditioner and protein deep conditioner (protein treatment). 

Moisturizing Deep Conditioner

Just like the name implies, they are made to provide the hair with as much moisture as possible. Moisturizing deep conditioners contain humectants that attract moisture which is then absorbed into the hair. That way, your hair retains moisture for longer periods. 

Protein Deep Conditioner

As many like to call it, protein treatment. Protein deep conditioners are used to increase the strength of the hair. The proteins attach themselves to the weak parts of your hair and strengthen it. It also puts a barrier around your hair strands and hardens the cuticle layer of your hair. Protein deep conditioners also improve the elasticity of your natural hair. 

Knowing when to use each of these deep conditioners might be tricky and as such, we recommend using a balanced deep conditioner such as the African Naturalistas Deep Conditioning Mayonnaise that will improve and maintain the moisture levels of your natural hair, balance the PH level of your hair, and also strengthen your hair shaft to leave you with healthy, naturally shiny hair that is not dry or brittle.

The benefits of deep conditioning your natural hair are worth it. Your hair will look healthy, retain length, and help you meet your hair goals. This is because your hair is no longer brittle and will be less prone to split ends. 

How often do you deep condition your natural hair and what are your deep conditioning best practices? Let us know in the comment section. If you found this post helpful, please share :). Cheers!

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