African Naturalistas Hall of Fame - July 2016

Happy new month everyone. It is very rare for us to have the first day of the month fall on a Monday, so we are super glad when this happens. Our prayer is that the month of August will be your best month yet this year.

We appreciate all our readers and commenters. Thank you for your support. How best do we show our appreciation than to dedicate a column to you. Thank you all, especially mentioning the set of people below.

Thank you Ogechi Godwin, Ebun Esther, Tonkabelle, Francisca Omoja, and Idy Ekanem.

Thank you for your loyalty, readership, and consistency in commenting. We really appreciate you keeping this blog a fun place to be at all times.

And with that said, we all at African Naturalistas stand up, hold our heads high, raise our hands as we applaud our African Naturalistas Hall of Fame Star for the month of July

Crowd Cheer

Congratulations to you Ebun Esther. You have done it again. Thanks for your daily visits, readership and comments. We really appreciate your presence. Here's your official badge. You can upload it on all your social media platforms, blog, and even as a blog widget.

You have won the bragging rights for a whole month, and African Naturalistas Shampoo and Conditioner. We already have your details, and will be in touch to send you all your winnings.

And that's it for the month of July.

We are glad that you have been with us for the past one year. We would be stopping the African Naturalistas Hall of Fame posts for now. From time to time, we would still be appreciating our regular readers, and giving prizes to the top commenter, but it wouldn't be monthly, and it would come as a surprise, not something to be expected.


  1. Congrats have done it again.

  2. Whoa! Just stumbled onto this site via Pinterest & already give-aways?! Me likey! I will be visiting regularly as I have set a goal of growing my natural hair from its perpetual armpit level to BSL by December 2016, God willing. God knows I need all the help I can get. Starting with this: I have been natural all my life. How can I tell if I need a trim because I just don't trust my hairdresser here in Kano? I need practical tips to solve this dilemma. Thanks! 😘


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