The Key to Getting Your Hair Routine Down In 2016

Happy New Year Naturalistas!

I hope we are ready to kick off the new year will the zest and attitude that it deserves.

In 2016, we will not be slaves to our hair, we will master it, it will not rule our weekends or schedules. Can I get an "Amen"? And this post is going help you with just that. Developing a regimen and sticking to it takes a lot of discipline and practice. Here is an an easy and fun way to stick to your regimen without actually feeling bound by it. 

Experts say that the key to incorporating something new into your routine and making it a daily habit is to associate the new activity with a usual habit/activity.

I did not realise how  much of my hair routine is part of my life until I looked at how much I associated my daily or weekly routine with it. Examples:

1. Laundry day is wash day
I pre-poo as I do my laundry. By the time i'm done, i'm ready to wash. And then i'm usually cooking or doing another chore as I deep condition. Bottom line, associate a particularly lengthy chore with another particularly lengthy part of your regimen.

2. I moisturise my hair in the morning when I moisturise my face
Face time is hair time. It is simply automatic to m&s after dealing with my face

3. Pillow time is scarf o'clock
I cant's sleep unless I have my satin scarf on, i'm tuned to associating the pillow with a scarf.

Before you know it, the new thing is a routine thing. Having trouble sticking to your regimen or certain aspects of it? Find daily/weekly tasks and activities that you can associate with your hair activities. Since it's the New Year, what better time to start than now?


  1. Every routine was once a new activity. The key is determination.

  2. Nice tip

  3. Thanks for the tips!

  4. Number two is something I have been thinking to do. Great post. :D

  5. I already have my routine down to a t. And yes, associating some other non hair related activity to your hair routine makes it feel like you're not really spending so much time on your hair since you're multitasking.

  6. For me, I clean my bathroom whilst deep conditioning my hair. By the time I'm done, I'm ready to wash it off and shower. Win-win, less guilt lol

  7. Deep conditioning/hot oil treatments while watching K dramas. One episode per DC session.

    Mahn, you won't even know when the time goes.

    Also, my satin bonnet is the last thing I wear before going to bed just after washing my face. It has become a routine


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