African Naturalistas Hair Challenge: What Next

Hello Naturalistas,

How are you and how's the week coming along?

Thank you for sticking with us for the last 2 months on the AN hairline challenge. We started with 2 people sending in their pictures however just one person sent us a final update picture excluding myself.

Here are our updates;
Week 1


Week 1

The idea of the natural hair challenge is to get as many people as possible involved to challenge ourselves, encourage one another to better hair health and growth. It's a new segment which resulted in the low interest the first time so now I want to bring it to YOU to choose which hair challenge you want to participate in and the one with the highest number will be what we will go for.

Here's my list;

  • No Heat Challenge
  • Protect Your hair challenge
  • Grow it challenge
  • Stick-to-my-regimen Challenge
  • Let's Moisturize Challenge
Which one are most excited about and which one will you love to participate in? I am expecting your answers. 


  1. Nice,improvement was definitely noted.

  2. Oh as for the challenge,for selfish reasons tho,lol,id go with protect the hair or grow it challenge.I hardly use heat so i cant say for that.

  3. Na so so challenge. My hair must grow challenge
    Try different hair styling challenge
    No hand in hair syndrome challenge
    Stick to few products challenge
    Drink water for healthy hair and life challenge.
    Eat fruits daily challenge.

    I don't keep up with any.

    1. Now this is just hilarious.Lets try one this time,we'll keep you accountable.No hand in hair syndrome challenge,really?

    2. Yeah! This sounds really healthy and different.

    3. I will go with let's moisturize challenge.

    4. @ aurora, yes o. My fingers really like digging into my hair. I'm talking to someone, I'm pulling some locs, I'm reading I'm pulling some locs, I'm walking on the road, it's there again. Watching movie the same. My dear. I need to stop. Even in protective styling, I'm touching it to check of my scalp is ok. If my hair is soft, dry, tangles tangles and more tangles. I don tire.

      @Idy. Aha. I forgot. The moisturize hair daily challenge. I'll add it.

    5. LOL like Aurora said... We shall keep you accountable this time! ;)

    6. I should do no hand in hair syndrome challenge. I think I will go with moisturise challenge now that Harmattan is round the corner

  4. Wow awesome growth. I want protect your hair challenge

  5. I shall send my pictures soon

    1. Which picture?? The one you've been hiding?? *side eyes*

    2. hhihihihi yes na. in fact i will not send it again sef i have vex

  6. Hian,Chancey that one is strong do have the syndrome thingy,just like feeling my curls but it takes boredom for that.So if I catch that your fingers near your hair ehn,is it reaching there?im watching you

  7. Let's moisturize challenge!

    So we have a tie with Protect your hair challenge and Moisturize challenge! Who will break the tie? We wait!

  8. harmattan is coming, lets moisturize would be perfect...

  9. Here's my opinion

    No Heat Challenge - too easy, and would only benefit people who have issues with too much heat
    Protect Your hair challenge - very nice
    Grow it challenge - very vague
    Stick-to-my-regimen Challenge - what is my regimen is really bad?
    Let's Moisturize Challenge - very nice also. I think this is the best cos it is easy, and many naturals need to know that regular moisturising makes a whole difference in their hair journey, and also because I can easily win this one, lol.

  10. Exactly AN,not something obvious and easy,protect it then.

  11. Let's moisturise challenge is a good one.

  12. Let's moisturise challenge is a good one.

  13. I mosuturize often so no challenge for me there.. Grow it challenge! But I'm curious as to how..

  14. If you pick the lets moisturize challenge, how will you know if people moisturized on a regular basis or not and how will you measure the outcome... I suggest we do the grow it challenge because that is more measurable (contestants would send in pictures of their length before the challenge, while the challenge is ien and at the end of the challenge)

    1. Since by moisturising often will also aid hair growth. They should go hand in hand

  15. Let's moisturise challenge is what I go with!


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