Natural Hair Envy??

Happy Tuesday ladies! With the fast growing reach of the Natural hair allure, its not surprising that sometimes we are caught up with 'Hair Envy.' But must this really be the case? Have a Blessed Tuesday ladies and don't forget to drop us a line on this topic! 


  1. That is very true. we need to embrace ourselves and love ourselves for who we are. if u keep wanting that person's hair, there might be some things that their hair cannot do so LOVE YOURSELF FOR WHO U ARE

    1. So so true Sis!Everyones hair brings something unique and beautiful to the table.I find beauty in each and every texture and dont believe that their is a superior hair type or one that should be held in higher regard!Thank you for watching and commenting Sis!Bless up! xxxx

  2. I was covering my short hair but now I have accepted it the way it is. So, I am rocking my TWA...............loving it.

    1. Sis love and rock that TWA hard!Am sure you wear it extremely well and there are tonnes of people admiring your style from the sidelines!Thank you for watching and commenting!Bless up! xxxx

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  4. I like this video. I don't appreciate my hair like I should because I'm more preoccupied with how long or full other people's hair is. But I am getting to a point where I'm just letting go and letting my hair do what she will. As long as I keep taking care of it and stop stressing, it will only get healthier and with patience it will grow.

    Thumbs up.

    1. Thank you Sis!I think thats the important thing.Placing emphasis and developing your own rather than wasting valuable time pining after someone elses.Thank you so much for watching and commenting!Bless up Sis! xxxx

  5. You are beautiful. Period. It doesn't matter what others think, say or believe about you, if you are a woman, you are BEAUTIFUL. Not enough of us hear this, especially from other women. The YouTube mixtresses/stylists/naturalistas are beautiful, every last one of them. The lovely young woman who sold me my first African Naturalistas products and answered my endless questions about my newly natural tresses is beautiful. The chubby woman I see in my mirror every day frowning about which accessory to stick in my TWA is beautiful. PERIOD!

    1. Thank you Sis for the beautiful words.Sometimes its a long journey to self acceptance but am glad I seemed to have gotten there lol!Its an important mindset to have to accept oneself fully,warts and all!Bless up Sis!

    2. Very inspiring, Uche. Thanks for letting me know I'm beautiful, lol. You also are, and thank God you know that too.


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