5 Ways to achieve your Hair Goals in 2022

Natural Hair Goals For 2022

The journey of your natural hair is a never ending one because you have to keep up with maintenance, the right product and the right regimen even if your goal is simply to have healthy hair. 
For some others, their hair goal might be length retention, tackling a recurrent hair or scalp condition such as traction alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, breakage, shedding or dandruff. 

If you are just about to start your hair journey, or you have been at it for a couple of months/years or you are about to make a big transition like locking your hair or doing a big chop, then you have to keep reading. 

We want you to be able to achieve your hair goals in 2022 and we are here to guide you every step of the way.

Here are 5 super easy ways you can hit your hair goals in the new year

1. Have a hair goal: 

This goes without saying actually. To achieve your hair goal, you must be able to identify what it is. This means you have to examine your hair, either through a personal examination or by a certified Trichologist who would tell you the exact hair/scalp issue you are dealing with and may not even know or understand. Your Trichologist can also start treatments, recommend hair products and supplements for your usage.

2. Choose the right products for your hair:

Why do you use the current hair product on your shelf, is it working for you, is it giving you the results for which you bought it for or are you just a product junkie? If you can answer any of these questions, then you probably have an accurate line-up of hair products. However, if you can't, here's what we advice, before you choose any hair products, the basics must have's are; 

  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Oils
Others would include Ayurvedic herbs such as Fenugreek powder, Chebe powder, Amla powder, lotions etc. The beauty of those 3 essential products listed above is that they are usually formulated addressing some key issues faced by naturalistas which ties the need all together. For example, in the conditioner category, you can have the leave-in conditioner, detangling conditioner, moisturizing conditioner etc. For the shampoo category, you can also have the moisturizing shampoo, anti-dandruff shampoo etc. Notice how each of these products addresses one particular hair issue or the other.

3. Be Consistent:

One thing that can make us fall short of our hair goals is consistency. It is either you are using the wrong regimen with consistency or you are not consistent with the right routine due to loads of reasons which are easy to give. However, one thing that can help you consistently follow through is the Intensive Hair Growth planner.

This is a robust and comprehensively detailed calendar that helps you keep track of the steps, tasks objectives, estimated time required, products required for your hair routine.

This planner simplifies your entire hair care process, and is usable for your lifetime.

It is plug and play hair growth planner carefully created by African Naturalistas for everyone who decides to be intentional about their hair goals. All the work has been done for you. All you need to do is follow the steps, and your hair comes out looking healthy. You can get this for free if you partake of our Christmas Sales Promo, which is currently going on.

You can also purchase your copy here
Intensive Hair Growth Planner

4. Protect Your Hair:

You don't want all your efforts to be in vain at the end of the day. This is why you must take protection seriously. This starts from protective hairstyles, the use of satin bonnets or pillows, protecting your hair with a special sunscreen for the hair as well as protection when doing some activities like swimming. If your hair is not adequately protected, you keep going in circles and it might seem as though your efforts aren't yielding the results you want.

5. Exercise Patience:

Rome was not built in a day, healthy hair needs all the love and patience it can get. As much as there are products out there that promise you waist length in a short period of time, as natural hair care experts, we advice that you take precaution. It is best to find products that work for your specific hair type, location, current weather condition etc. No two hair types are the same.

We know you are going to achieve that hair goal in the new and hey, we are here to help you every step of the way. 

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