How Micro-Needling Reverses Hair Loss

Microneedling for hair loss reversal

Micro-needling! This buzz word is not new to people in the dermatological space as more and more skin care gurus have been including it in their skin care routine and would swear on its effectiveness.  However, a lot of natural hair enthusiast, hair stylist and self taught naturalistas are still yet to jump on the micro-needling effect and the benefits it has in reversing hair loss.

In this post, you would learn;

  • What micro-needling really is.
  • How micro-needling can reverse hair-loss
  • How to incorporate micro-needling into your hair routine

Micro-needling session procedure
Live Micro-Needling Session

What is Micro-Needling?

Micro-needling is the process of promoting hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles, using micro-needles. 
It is a non-surgical procedure that promotes the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels as well as the formation of completely new blood vessels. Micro-needling is also a safe and painless process that has been dermatologically-tested, designed by doctors, and proven to be effective in various hair and scalp issues. Micro-needling is perfect for people who are experiencing various kinds of hair loss such as alopecia areata, traction alopecia, androgenic/androgenetic alopecia and diffuse hair thinning without any residual side effects. 

How micro-needling can reverse hair loss

The micro-needles cause keratinocytes to release growth factors. Hair follicles are strengthened and
remain in the growth stage. Micro-needling has numerous benefits which makes 
it a trusted process for 
reversing and preventing hair loss. Some of these benefits are;
  • It deep cleanses the hair follicles
  • It reduces scalp inflammation
  • It enhance the immunity of the scalp
  • It also restores the normal PH levels of the scalp

How to incorporate micro-needling into your hair routine

A trichoscopy can be done to give you an overall diagnostics of your hair and scalp before you decide to incorporate the micro-needling process into your hair care routine.

We recommend microneedling sessions be done on your scalp one time every week in the first month and this can be increased to two times a month. For the healing process to be effective, we also advice that after the first two months of intense micro-needling, the treatment can be reduced to one session a month.

Micro-needling best practices 

It is best that your micro-needling session is performed by an experienced Trichologist to avoid infection, get the most effective result and also to be sure the right equipment and needle size is best for your hair.

Book a micro-needling session with a certified Trichologist here  

After a micro-needling session, you can go ahead with your regular application of natural hair products either using the LOC or LCO product application method.
As with many hair loss reversal procedures, patience, consistency and TLC (tender loving care) given to your natural hair, you are sure to see the results. 

At Africa Naturalistas hair clinic, we offer micro-needling sessions which you can book for Here

Apart from micro needling, we also have the following options for hair loss reversal.

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