Deep Conditioning using ORS Hair Mayonnaise.

  Happy Tuesday Ladies! Deep Conditioning is a vital part of our Natural Hair Journey. When you feel like your hair has really gone through it, it is nice to give it a little pick me up by way of a nourishing Deep Conditioning Treatment.
  I use the ORS Hair Mayonnaise as my Protein Treatment every six weeks. You have to be careful with Protein Treatments as an overload can leave you with brittle breaking hair. Protein fortifies the hair strands by binding to any existing gaps or crevices in the strand, and thus forming a temporary block to fill in damaged spaces in the strand.That is why after a Protein Treatment, your hair may feel a little rough and straw like.

 Today I share with you in my video, how I administer my Protein Treatment for stronger healthier hair.

  Enjoy the video Ladies!


  1. Your hair inspires me, irene... You are my hair mentor.. Lol

    1. Awwww Bukky you make me 'African Blush.'Thank you!I am Happy you find this helpful in some way :)

  2. Thank you Sis,i usually work in sections as well but i use daylight to do my videos and it was beginning to get dark lol!Yes sectioning does a world of good for our hair type.Thank you for watching and commenting!Bless Up.


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