'I did a lot of research before going natural' Mane matters with Fola

Hi Naturalistas

Today's naturalista on mane matters is Fola of Fola's Oasis

Meet Fola

Can you tell us who you are and what you do?
I'm Fola Harold-Sodipo. I work in project management but also run a weight loss and fitness outfit called Renew 360.

What are your thoughts about natural hair?
I think natural hair is a thing of pride and confidence. Yes it seems to be a trend now, but I still feel it takes confidence to rock it, it stands you out and is a big way of identifying with our roots, who we really are

When/why did you go natural?
I went natural in March 2013 which was when I had my last perm. It was because I was so tired of trying to get my hair back to long and healthy ends for so long. But the internet REALLY helped me make the decision. Too many blogs and forums and videos showed me pics and how-tos on natural hair so i decided to take the plunge

Did you do a BC or you transitioned?
I transitioned for 4 months

What was the experience like?
Scary at first cos I thought I looked weird but I quickly got used to it

What was/is your biggest fear about going Natural?
I had no fear, I had done too much research and was ready. I got a lot of surprises when I finally took the step though lol

Do you have a regimen you stick to? What is it like?
No Holy Grail Regimen, but I love my natural products like oils and shea butter for conditioning. I try to deep condition monthly and i am currently using Tresemme and Aussie moist conditioners as a leave-in

What emotional struggles, if any, have you faced since going natural?
No emotional struggles at the moment but when shortly before I went natural I told my boyfriend of that time of my plans and he told me it would not look good on me. So i felt bad and i remember even posting about my concerns on the blog haha! But when i went natural he seemed to be ok with it. Well to be honest I couldnt be bothered, I later realized what he thought about my hair should not matter.

Do you think you are in it for the long haul or is it just a phase?
Long haul please! :)

There are people that definitely have negative comments about you hair, how do you deal with that?
Hardly happens but few times it has happened subtly and I just ignore. Let me point out that I wear weaves, braids or wigs often though.

What's your must have product and accessory?
Must-have product would be coconut or olive oil. Accessory would be bobby pins!

What is your go-to style?
Go-to style is between a Janelle Monae inspired style or a full afro

What advice do you have for anyone just going natural?
For anyone who wants to go natural pls do your research, and understand that hair types are different! Lusting after naturalistas on Youtube or blogs with looser curl patterns will only leave you disappointed! Also be ready to experiment and most of all, do it for you and only you.

Where can we find you? Your social media platforms…
My blog: www.folasoasis.com    Weight loss website IG: renew360ng. Personal IG: fhs_oasis   Twitter: folasoasis    FB page: Folasoasisblog

To get featured, send a mail to manematters@africanaturalistas.com

Till then


  1. She's so pretty and we'll put together...I totally Love. SBHM

  2. Everyone is talking about how pretty she is. I second that, more like third that, lol.

  3. That last pic, I remember that day- it was an NITC event. She's a beautiful girl with lovely hair


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