Real Life Natural Hair Talks: Would you make your man's Natural hair?

Hi Naturalistas
Last time when we had these talks, it got a little touchy. Check it here if you missed it.
The idea is just to discuss what happens in reality and I really do not mind a collection of opinions.
It is not about saying what is better, should be or not be. It is just about those things that do really happen. 


Today's topic might head in that direction as well because it is quite related. However, I am really hoping that everyone sees this with an open mind and it doesn't really need to turn into an argument. Share your opinions and try to see what you can pick from others, if you can't just let them, please.

Today we'll be talking about when your man needs you to make his hair. 
I know it can be fun to spend a relaxing weekend making his hair. I would especially love it. It feels like a nice way to spend time together. I'm already loving the thought of it :) 

However, let's not forget this can feel like a job. Seriously, would you mind?
Or would you be like "he can keep his hair, as long as he doesn't bother me with it?"
What's your take? 


  1. It depends on the kind of relationship you have, comfort level and respect. If you are good friends then no one would want to 'chore' the other one.

    This topic is no big deal because there can't be an answer- all relationships are different and how the individuals relate with each other.


    1. It might not be a big deal for you but it could be for someone else
      Like you rightly put, it depends on the relationship they both have but other factors also influence things

  2. I'd make his hair a thousand times

  3. I barely want to do my own hair, then it's his hair I'll go and do?

    If it's a scalp massage, yes. Anything more, not likely.

    1. Ask him, I'm sure he won't mind helping out with yours if he could. Then maybe you can learn to reciprocate. It's fun and a great way to spend time together, you know :)

  4. Agree with Dakara. As much as I love natural hair, styling my hair always feels like a major chore. Maybe styling someone else's here feels less tiresome though?

    1. From my experience, yes, styling someone's hair is much easier than trying to style mine myself


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