Different Ways to Stretch Natural Hair

I recently took down my Grey Crochet Braids, and while washing my hair, I spent too long being distracted by Youtube and Empire (have you seen the latest episode?!?!?!?!). By the time I washed it, the time was pretty late so I wanted the quickest, easiest way to stretch my natural hair in time for bed. I parted my hair into 4 and tried different methods on each one.

On one section, I had a twisted bun.

On another section, I braided the hair and twisted it around the base of the braid.

On another section was a sort of bantu knot.

On the last part, I used a two-strand twist which I tied around the base.

All methods were secured with hair bands.

 After unraveling, I discovered that there was no clear difference, honestly. That might have been because the hair was still damp from the night before though.

For now, I'd just say that all methods stretched the hair the same way.

You can check out the video I made below.

What's your preferred method of stretching your natural hair? Share in the comments.
Berry Dakara.

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  1. I prefer the threading method...It really stretches my hair well.

    1. I think I'll give it another try. But this time I'll do it overnight TWICE.

    2. I want to see your results.

  2. For now I braid before my ps,I'm not sure the result is exactly what I want it definitely stretches but not straight bone, read a lot of review about threading I'm trying it next time

    1. It's stretches the hair wella but of course the way our hair is....shrinkage happens with time and faster when you moisturize.

    2. I'll definitely retry threading at some point.

    3. From the world of lazy naturals according to chidiebere.

  3. I have texlaxed hair and I like to stretch it by leaving it in about 2 - 4 braids and leaving to air dry or I stretch using flexi rods and air dry.


    1. Flexi rods na work and load.

    2. I've used flexi rods on my natural hair - my sister does it all the time and her hair always looks gorgeous. Mine just looks weird.

    3. I have heard a lot of people complain about flexi rods and how they have difficulty sleeping with it.

    4. I haven't tried it because of the negative reviews just perm rods...But one day I will.

    5. I don't think I will have a problem with sleeping used to use it on my weave all the time those days just the result concerns me

    6. I would like to compare it to perm rods which I have tried.

  4. A lot of people have had bad results with flexi rods so I don't think I'm trying. Personally I don't have so much time and when I suffer to style My hair I want BEAUTIFUl results

  5. Wow, no difference? The one that works well for me the most is threading, lol.


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