4 Ways To Save Money On Natural Hair Products

At #NITC16

Hello everyone,

Now that we have found ourselves in this situation, it's only right to find a way around it. Which is why I'm sharing four ways you can save money on your natural hair products this season.

  • Research and compare prices.

I recently discovered that there was a store that stocks essential oils at a cheaper price. If you know me well, you know I don't joke with my essential oils. I was so pained when I realized that it wasn't even a new store as it has been here all this time. This is what happens when you don't research adequately or simply don't pay enough attention. You lose out on deals, discounts, and opportunities to save money. Research also helps you compare prices and make better choices

  • Look out for sales. 

We're at the end of the year which means a lot of retailers will be offering their products at highly discounted prices. This is the time to look out for them and stock up for the new year.

  • Buy at meet-ups.

Every time, we come here to reiterate the importance of attending meet ups. Apart from learning new things, it's also an opportunity to choose from the array of vendors. Also, you get to compare prices before deciding on what to buy.

  • Simplify your regimen.

If you have an overly complicated regimen, you might want to consider simplifying it by cutting out some unnecessary steps. If there's a way to merge two steps together without completely losing out, I'd advise you to do so to save products.

Have you taken any measures to save money on products?

 Do share!

Love, curls, and coils

1 comment

  1. The last tip is very important. Many people get overwhelmed because their regimen is too complex.


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