'People want their hair to be like mine' Mane matters with Oladoyin

Happy New year Naturalistas

Meet Oladoyin

Can you tell us who you are and what you do?
My name is Oladoyin Alonge, I work with Petrolog Limited as a document controller and also running my own thing as a Makeup Artiste.  I am a fashion lover and I love to take absolute good care of myself.

What are your thoughts about natural hair? 
The hair should be in its healthy state at all times, and how do we achieve this? We have to look away from the chemicals and products that are harmful to the hair. The hair in its natural states grows faster than the relaxed state, its so versatile that you can have same results as the relaxed hair in most cases. The best thing a woman can do to her hair is leaving it natural.

When/why did you decide to go natural? 
 I started my journey October 24,  2014, I  had just finish removing an old weave, and I saw the condition of my hair. It was thinning out! So I said to myself, time to do away with relaxer and just grow the hair the natural way. I do deep conditioning while I had my relaxed hair so I knew adding an extra TLC to  my hair would not be a problem for me. So I went for it.   

Did you do a BC or you transitioned? 
 I did what I would call ‘Small Chop’ lol. When my hair was six months post relaxer, I reduced it by half, and then every month I kept reducing till I had no relaxed end. 

What was the experience like?  
Well… It has been super awesome. I make my hair myself so I had no problem with styling. All I did was just get updated on Youtube on ‘how to style transitioning hair/TWAs’. The first time I did the final ‘chopping’ I discovered my real curl pattern; I just could not take my hands off my hair. 

What was/is your biggest fear about going Natural?
I love sleek buns and supper straight leave outs that blends with weaves. So, I was afraid I would not be able to achieve that which was totally wrong. I still have my sleek super smooth buns even as my hair is natural, and as for the leave outs,  I found solace in Closures which are even better.

Do you have a regimen you stick to? What is it like?  
Yes I do, My hair regimen consist of me doing a hot oil/deep conditioning every weekend when I have no protective styles on using a mixture of JBCO, Coconut Oil and Tea tree oil as hot oil treatment, followed by deep conditioning using  the African Naturalista Deep Conditioning Mayonnaise…*this product makes my curls pop guys!* After deep conditioning, I use my mega growth break free leave in strengthener,  Black Jamaican castor oil and coconut oil, and finally seal in the moisture with Shea moisture Shea butter infused with coconut & hibiscus. Eco Styler curl and wave firm hold to lay my edges. I flat twist/twist my hair every night in order to keep my hair stretched for a bun the following morning because the shrinkage is real.   

What emotional struggles, if any, have you faced since going natural?  
None honestly

Do you think you are in it for the long haul or is it just a phase?  
I think I am going all the way. I can not remember when last I thought about relaxer. My hair type is 3c/4a, its super soft, can be really straight when stretched. What more do I want?
There are people that definitely have negative comments about your hair, how do you deal with that?  
The only times I received negative comments were times when my hair was really short, and friends would be likegirl what are you doing? Why would you cut your long hair! Some even went as far as saying I do not look good with my TWA lol. All I did was just to ignore such comments and focus on the positive ones.  They all want my hair now

What's your must have product and accessory?  
The African Naturalista deep conditioning mayonnaise. It makes my full head of hair super soft and my curls popping.  I use it every week; I’m on my 5th container. I have recommended it to lots of friends. Must have accessory is the bobby pins, it’s a must have for every naturalista.

What is your go-to style?  
A bun with layed edges

What advice do you have for anyone just going natural?  
 It’s the best treatment you can give to your hair.  I grew back more than half of my twenty something years old relaxed hair in just a year of being natural. Do not worry about how to manage or style, you can get it straightened just like the relaxed hair and still rock your curls days later. It’s worth it.

Where can we find you? Your social media platforms
Instagram: @ladoyinbridals
Facebook: Ladoyin Alonge

Thank you for your time


  1. she looks really beautiful. i lover her hair. those curls be popping!!!

  2. Lovely interview , her hair is beautiful.

  3. I just got inspired to go natural. Though I didn't quite understand most of the hair terms used,the pictures and expressions are very convincing. Go pretty!

    1. Do it. Don't worry, you'll learn the terms during your natural hair journey, thats nothing major.

  4. Shez impeccable, nice hair and style!

  5. Ooooh, her cornrows hairstyle is hawt!

  6. Such gorgeous hair and gorgeous skin.

  7. #4achicks 🙌🙌

  8. Beautiful woman with lush hair :-D


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