Easy Natural Hair Styles - Part 5

Hi there,

Today's the second to the last easy natural hair style I will be showing you. This is actually a natural hair high/mega bun - remember when I showed a tutorial a few weeks ago. I decided to try it out myself and I think it came out okay - could have been better though, but it's all good.

Again, remember the hair styles in this series can be done in a matter of 2 minutes or less!

natural hair styles, natural high bun, natural hair mega bun, protective styles, berry dakara, african naturalistas, black hair, professional natural hair

natural hair styles, natural high bun, natural hair mega bun, protective styles, berry dakara, african naturalistas, black hair, professional natural hair

natural hair styles, natural high bun, natural hair mega bun, protective styles, berry dakara, african naturalistas, black hair, professional natural hair

Have a lovely weekend everyone. I know there's a holiday on Monday, which happens to be my birthday as well.

Also, don't forget to log on to African Naturalistas Instagram this Sunday, as I will be doing a takeover and showing you my wash day with our products!

Berry Dakara.

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